We at Chocology are dedicated to using our business to help others both near and far. With that perspective we have partnered with the Pathways to Peace organization to promote Peace Awareness. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The (IDP) is an opportunity to join others around the world in exploring and celebrating our capacity for goodness, cooperation and the creative potential of the human spirit.
Chocology Kids has big plans to celebrate (with chocolate of course) on September 21, 2015. We plan to share the message of peace by making chocolate peace pops and we hope you will join us!
Peace Pop Kit $10.00 (plus shipping)
This year with your support, our Kids Promoting Peace project will donate $1.00 for every kit purchased to Pathways to Peace.
Each month you will receive an Education Resource email up until International Day of Peace on Monday, September 21, 2015.
All of us at Chocology hope that you and your family will join us in making the world just a little more peaceful. If we all do our part, International Day of Peace will be an every day event. Register NOW!