Making it Personal: What's Your Favorite Chocolate?
June 30, 2014
Want to help Chocology kick off its North American online store? Well you can and we hope you will!
By now, you may be getting to know us a little better. You’ve learned about our family, our staff and our values. We love all things chocolate and want to expand our research and bring fun education and great chocolates to our customers. Now, you can help by letting us get to know you.
We’ve tried every kind of chocolate, from bacon dipped delights to rose petal truffles. With so much to choose from, your input is invaluable. While we at Chocology love all chocolates, we do have our preferences. And we know you do too. What would you like to see line the Chocology shelves?
We strive to satisfy your chocolate wishes. How better to do that to cultivate a direct relationship with you and find out what you like?
Are you more conservative with your chocolate or do you like to live on the edge? Do you want to stick with what you know or try new things? Please take a moment to scan through our poll and give us your thoughts in the "Leave a Comment" section.
Poll Questions:
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Thanks for your responses. As we get to know you better, we feel confident we can better serve you and your chocolate needs.
The results of our poll will be posted in a future blog post and of course will be reflected on our Chocology shelves.